Thursday, August 14, 2008


(CIMIT Interface Concepts, click to enlarge)

So here’s what I know… It appears that my grandfather had a “massive stroke,” as daunting as that sounds I guess it isn’t too bad. Last I knew he was responsive, knew where he was, had strength on the left hand side of his body but is fairly weak on the other. There is no internal bleeding or anything and by the sounds of it they are just going to get him into rehab as soon as they can. Half of his face isn’t drooping or anything and so I guess this is the best news possible. I still feel bad that I’m not there, but I’m continuing on with life as normal…

And as far as that goes all I have to say is INTERFACES, INTERFACES, INTERFACES!

This has been a truly new thing for me, as I have never really thought too heavily on interface design, interfaces was new for me several weeks ago because it was the first time I had thought about layout and functionality… now it’s turned into design, use of color, and consistency. I’m not going to lie, it’s been fairly frustrating experience for me but I have learned much because of it. As you can see my interface designs have come a long way in a week and with interface 6 and 7 I really believe that I’m finally heading the right direction.

As far as CIMIT goes that’s pretty much it for me as it is now, on the other hand I’ve been thinking a lot about Africa. It was really strange to realize that I’ll be flying out next week, suddenly things got very real and still feels very odd that I’ll be heading there very soon. I’ve started trying to make a list of what I should bring, what I should be looking for, and really organizing my thoughts because this is going to be our own shot to see our demographic… and we must make the most of it. I can’t stop thinking about the Sabido Method and how we can get this to apply to what we’re trying to do. Today I’m doing more research on it because even on this we’ve only really scratched the surface.
Oh! Today is also the three month anniversary of dating Alicia now!!! So yea, that’s fun =)

Alright that’s enough for now…

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