Thursday, August 21, 2008

Changes in latitude, changes in attitude…

(Last time I was overseas was in Germany 2006, visiting my friend "Hanz")

I'm actually in the process of making the final preparations for South Africa, and I'm still in somewhat shock thinking that oh yea... I'll be leaving the country tomorrow, to go to Africa for ten days on a research project funded by the United Nations... HOLY CRAP! I've been able to distinctly say before that I haven't had the typical college experience and now, well school is still very much a big part of my life but there's this whole new professional in me and dedication to things much larger than I can fathom. It was really an interesting day, I found it odd before switching thought processes between America's Army and CIMIT, and today I was bouncing between AA, CIMIT, and this UN project. It's really interesting switching gears from project to project, and being involved with some drastically different themes.

Speaking on that I had a pretty good talk with the two members of my America's Army team that will be spear heading this final push for our map. I have a lot of faith in them, and I think we came up with some really good approaches. I think their strength could come from support of other's at the EMC, I've heard interests in helping us out and the more eyes on it the better really. It's hard for them, one has to leave by Thursday of next week while the other is moving to Montreal on Friday. This will be a crunch time in all meanings of the word. Both are designers and I think they have a good grasp of how to fix the game play mechanics, I also feel that things need to be drastically added to the visuals as well to really bring home the "Shock and Awe" we're hoping to achieve. I have faith and I will try to support them as much as possible, and they will undoubtedly be in my thoughts.

I've talked about tipping points before, and I can't help but feel like I'm on the cusp of a new one in my life. I've talked about sociology and the "five agents of socialization" and truly believe that we are made up of our experiences. This ideal drives me to do much of things that I do and I can't help but feel as though this trip to South Africa will undoubtedly change me some. When I say change I don't mean in a negative context, we're always changing and growing. In this respect I wonder how things will feel returning, I know I haven't even left yet but to come back from being apart of what I'm about to experience... it should be fairly interesting.

I'm not sure what else to say, and I'm not sure when I'll be bloging next... I'm off to face a whole new adventure, and see life on the other side of the world. Also I know I've been negative lately and I'd like to thank everyone for their thoughts and comments. It means a lot =)

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