Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Righteous

So there’s been a topic that’s been on my mind a little bit lately, I’ve been debating on blogging about it, but really was inspired to talk a little bit after reading Heather Conover’s latest blog post. I’ve been taking a class in World Religions and this has really got me thinking a lot about belief, and different belief systems… where many are the same just in different contexts. It seems as though the basis of a lot of different faiths is to make it somewhere special in the end, whether it’s Nirvana, becoming one with the Brahmin, or just going to Heaven. Each have their own set of standards on life, and how one should live it.

Maybe I should just pre-empt this with saying that these are just my opinions, and I have nothing against any of the faith based religions, or even atheists. Just been trying to think broadly about some of these things…

In any case I find it strange to have a sort of guideline on how to live your life, and on what you think. I suppose the appealing part would be lay in the promise of great things in the afterlife. I’m not one to doubt that there is a God, Brahmin, or some state of enlightenment even though I don’t necessarily follow any Religion. What I do believe that if there is a God in some form, that someone who doesn’t go to church could have his or her life judged just as equally as someone who goes to church regularly. I believe it’s in living a good life, doing the “right things,” and really Karma is all that matters.

Recently a guest speaker came to our Religions class to speak, who had been affiliated with the “Church of the twelve tribes.” Essentially a cult, or alternative religious movement, located in Northern Vermont and other places across the globe. What I found interesting is that they have the view that there are not only two places or categories for people when they die. The believed that those who follow their religious practices are called the “Holy” and have their special place in Heaven, of course there are also the “Unjust” or “Filthy” who have obviously made bad life choices and end up in hell. Yet there is a third category they consider, and these people are those who do not necessarily follow their religious practices but live a good life and have a good conscience. These people are called “The Righteous,” and they also have their own place in Heaven. Now I thought this was really interesting, the part I didn’t find too interesting was that the “Holy” rule over the “Righteous” in Heaven, but for them to consider others to be on their own path to god I think was neat.

Well I guess that’s sort of the end of this rant, just some interesting thoughts I’ve been having.

Hopefully my Demo Reel will be online tomorrow! So keep an eye out, as I’ll post a notification when it’s up. =)

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