Friday, April 24, 2009

Last class... ever

Today I had the last class I'll ever have at College... really sort of strange. It hasn't quite hit me yet, but this time that I've been looking forward to is finally here and it's like I'm not sure how to feel about it. As I sit here, after class and after work, with no homework ahead of me... it's an odd feeling. To have worked so hard, for so long, and then for these projects to end... almost leaves a bit of a void. Transcendence, our Senior Production game, is finished... minus a few things that may need tweaking but really it's done. My demo reel is done... I've already begun conversations with companies about my next steps and this all feels just... I don't know maybe a little too grown up. It was pretty appropriate to have our Senior Production class be my last class, and seeing a year's worth of work in action. It shouldn't feel this strange being done, with school and our game, having always known that it was coming eventually. It's been a long time coming... and now it seems a bit melodramatic.

I think life is sort of funny... We keep going through these cycles of starting new to becoming a veteran, only to go back to being a noob. It’s sort of like playing an MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), you begin in the starting area, level your character to the highest level, and then it’s sort of like putting that down and starting a new character all over again with the experiences from the first time around. We go through this in elementary school, high school, and as I’m graduating college now as a Senior I’m back down at the bottom of the totem pole about to enter the workforce… so I can gain enough experience and level up again. Each time it’s all new and extremely exciting, and scary at times as well… I look forward to playing my next character… I wonder who I’ll be…

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