Saturday, June 21, 2008

GIVIT Day One... The changing view of the industry

I see the mailable, inquisitive, and innocent mind of youth. Today has been pretty interesting with the introduction of the week long camp entitled "Governor's Institute of Vermont: Information Technology." It's interesting to see the wide variety of youth attending this camp, we not only have the "typical" e-gamer crowd, we also have athletes and those who know extremely little about computers or technology; yet they all have something in common... They want to learn. It's kind of cool talking with a lot of these kids because I can see that they are analyzing games a lot like I used to, and they just feed off of our impute on mechanics and insight into the industry. Basically being able to see eye-to-eye and really geek out, has been really fun=)

It was so much fun at Dinner today being able to have some pretty in depth conversations about game mechanics and the "possibilities" of the industry. This all really confirms another hypothesis I've had... Everything is going to change, a flaky hypothesis I know, and I also know it's inevitable but hear me out. So many of the kids in my degree program and the incoming students in the program beneath me, all have this urge to change things. We can see where the medium can go, and can tell that it can be so much more. It's very exciting... Games are going to become much much more, things that we can't possibly imagine yet.

Other than that things have just been very hectic for me and I'm currently blogging during a session my group is attending about "virtual shopping," I have pretty bad Internet at my place so this will be probably when I go online for the most part.

One last thought before I go... I was giving one student a pretty hard time, because in a game we were playing earlier today called "Werewolf" he opted to kill me thinking that I may be the werewolf. He kept asking me how he could make it up to me, and I was telling him that he couldn't it was going to be a long week. In which he retorted,

"Oh! Well come over to my room later I've got some Coke!"

You can probably tell where my mind went, and sort of asked, "Excuse me?" In which he nervously began to correct himself explaining that he meant Coca Cola. Beyond thinking that this was incredibly funny, it's an interesting look about how our minds used to work. Remember when foods and other consumables used to be a commodity? Like candy or soda? Dang to see the world simpler again would be amazing... to be unphased and untainted by media and culturalization. Another example of my thoughts from last night... =)

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