Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tipping Point

(Click to link to the UNFP Page)

I see the path never stays the same. I had a fairly interesting day today with having our first official meeting for the UN project. It's actually pretty inspiring to think about it... I had already thought our problem was a difficult one, but the fact that if we can pull it off will have major results. Hearing people speak about how much of a big deal this is really put this project in a bigger scope for me. I feel so incredibly lucky to be in the position I'm in and yet there are some things that stink at the same time. Today our teams were announced and I'm sad to say that I won't be directly working with Lauren. It's hard to say I'm disappointed, because this is still so huge, but I was really looking forward to tag teaming this with Lauren. I got an artist I had been interested in working with and the same programmer I had worked with on the CIMIT project so that's all fine, but it became pretty apparent that they were intentionally splitting Lauren and I up, and taking some with me I think. When asked about it Ann told us that either way we wouldn't have been put in a group together, because we both have the most experience. I took this as a big compliment, and I could see where she's coming from... but it doesn't have to mean I like it. I know I constantly talk about being worried about stuff, and thinking too much, but it worries me now that perhaps they will continue to separate Lauren and I from future projects and possible trips. Again I find it flattering that they consider us "Top Dogs" in some respects but I just enjoy working with Lauren very much and find we do some great work together. Further on this I could definitely see us not going on trips this fall, which would equally stink but I agree with giving others an opportunity at these events. What I'm hopeful is that perhaps Lauren and I will be brought on to consult with new teams as the prep and even go to conferences. I had a thought that perhaps we could even play more of a PR role at these conferences, give our advice to new teams but talk to conference goers as they stop by. This way the students that really need to get work done could avoid getting interrupted, while still giving conference goers a student to talk to. I've been debating on trying to suggest this to Ann, but I probably won't because I'm too chicken =) Either way I hope I'll get to have a hand in these "Away Games" in the near future.

I find it interesting that in considering our next daunting task, I'm brought back to thinking about Professor Stracke's Sociology class. Many of the questions we have can't be answered until we know more about our targeted culture. In thinking about this I'm brought back to the 5 Agents of Socialization, Family, School, Media, Special Interest Groups, and Peers. These "Agents of Socialization" determines what are the major influences on our lives and essentially how we turn out as people. I think taking these factors into account and focusing on them will bring us closer to understanding our demographic. In our group conversations today, some of my group members kept referring to our goal as educating our consumer... I really sort of disagree with this statement. We can't assume to educate these people, the most we can do is hope for some sort of reflection based on what we present. Meaning we need the player to be able to personalize the situation, and in doing so enables them to reflect back upon it more critically. Hopefully this is where the paradigm shift will happen... To assume that we can educate them feels pompass in some respects, and we need to ensure we're as respectful as possible. These are just some of my initial thoughts on the project... it's now fairly late and I should retire =)

(A group we're working in conjunction with on the UN project)

1 comment:

Lauren Nishikawa said...

Too chicken? Fine, I'll ask about it when the first trip is being planned. =P