Monday, January 18, 2010


I was doing dishes yesterday, a seemingly mundane task. I was drying one of my smaller plates when I flipped it over and was hit by a memory. This Mickey plate had originally been a gift from Ann after visiting the Digitial Now conference in 2007. Strangely enough this memory felt like it had happened a century ago, and yesterday at the same time. It felt ironic that I had been cleaning it after making my sandwich for lunch the next day at work, in my apartment in Montreal. It made me think of a few things, but mainly made me think of Lauren. Somehow the last two years of College could be summed up in a number of meetings, stressful times, presentations, conferences, intellectual conversations, and triumphs with Lauren. Sometimes it feels silly that I hadn't known her the first two years at Champlain, and yet somehow we became the dynamic duo by the end. Life certainly isn't the same without the better half :P

Lauren and me at Disney 07

(please excuse the excessively long and curly "Wes-fro")

So sorry it's been a little while since I last blogged, I know in my previous blog I promised something more of the relation of Myths and Video games... but truthfully I haven't had enough time to read more lately, and so I'm still unwilling to promote my findings haha.I returned to week, roughly two weeks ago. I'm finding myself getting back in the groove of things, and after a pretty stressful week last week... I'm feeling pretty good. It's nice to be productive again, and give my brain a real excercize.

Although I'm starting to feel "Burlington-sick" again, and may find my way down there this weekend. If anyone wants to do lunch let me know!!

Anyways I know this wasn't necessarily my deepest post, but I'll try to keep this better up to date... and hopefully write some more about myths in the near future!

Until then... "Nut up or shut up!"

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