Sunday, January 31, 2010

Am I an Adult Now?

I thought that after getting my visa and returning to Montreal, I'd find some stability to my life. I'm finding now that I still think I'm in an odd phase in my life. Going from being busy with work, school, and friends all the time, to... not. I remember when I was young, I used to think about, at what time would I be an "adult?" My conclusion was that after I graduated college and was on my own, that's when I would be an "adult." I think I'm still adjusting to my new social status, an almost "beginning of life" crisis haha. Times where I'm left thinking... ok now what? What do I do with my time? Am I in the right place? What will you do with your life? Do you still have the ambitions of the past? I'm sure everybody goes through this period at one point or another, and I think it'll just take a bit more time. Until then don't get the impression I'm not doing well or I'm not happy, quite the contrary I'm doing just fine. I'm just left with lots of contemplation time...

If you've read any of my posts you'd notice that I'm pretty reflective, seemingly always thinking about the past and how it may or may not relate to the present. I've been trying harder to be more in the present, and think about the future. No real news on that yet haha, I'm still figuring out my life it seems.

I will say one thing, I've been thinking a lot about the nature of work that I'm doing. I find it incredibly ironic that I'm doing so much 2D stuff, when in College I tried my best to avoid it at all costs. I marketed myself as a 3D artist, worked to expand those skills, and yet now I find myself doing 2D?? I have some mixed feelings about it for now... part of me worries that I'll be pigeon holed into this arena, yet the other part of me feels pretty fulfilled with my work lately. While I can't divulge much, it's very technical and I like that. It really makes me think and challenges me, and it feels good knowing that I'm doing things that other artists don't really have a grasp of. Sometimes it can be tedious stuff, but at least I'm busy. I also like the fact that I'm working closely with four programmers. The sort of back and forth interaction is kind of nice. I like being able to be more directly involved with development, rather than making a piece and just handing it off. Theres a lot of back and forth right now and I'm the "go to guy" for a lot of things and I like that. So while I'm not super impressed with the kind of work I'm doing right now... I'm still a bit fullfilled by it. Yet I know this isn't the line of work I'll want to do for the rest of my life, my plan is now to do what needs to be done for this project and see what sorts of tasks I'll be given on the next assignment.

I guess as with everything that has gone on with me lately, time will only tell what happens :)

On a side note, your probably shouldn't pull a Wesley and go hike up a mountain in well below freezing temperatures, as the sun is going down, and without proper gloves..... just a few words of wisdom :P

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