Hey all,
I can't really have this blog be a normal post because this is actually my 100th blog post since I started blogging April 24th, 2008. Alot has changed for me since then, been to a lot of places, met some amazing people, and grew up a bit more in my own way. Looking into the mirror, in my new apartment in Montreal, I couldn't help but see that I've grown up some... while my past still seems to have left a mark on me. I found it ironic that I wore a jacket that came from "Outback" trading company and that it was definitely a fashion choice influenced by my time on the farm, I wore a threadless t-shirt with some nice graphics on the front which could only be representative of Burlington influences, and then my plad shorts which was undoubtedly the kayak shop. I was thinking that the title of my blog posts do a pretty good job illustrating summerizing the path my life has taken since I started blogging. So I'll leave you with the 100 blog post titles, starting with April 24th, 2008.
A Year's end and Reflection
Digital Now 2008, Day 1
The Start of Digital Now Day 2 -- Digital Now day 2... Post Mortem
A Magical Evening
I am rediculously Lucky... Digital Now day 3
Back in Burlington
A little thing may make a big difference, PA Training day 1
There's no such thing as Survival of the Fittest
Identity? PA Training day 4
It's all in your head... PA training Day 5
Dawning of the rest of my life
To dwell in the past...
The ending has not yet been written...
The extroverted introvert...
Meeting the AA team...
The Pan in me
Lessons from Nature... the Clyde River
Staying the course
Just Jump
I was a happy kid... and continue to be
Take what you can... and jump... hell risk it all
Growing up dulls the fantasy
The changing view of the industry (GIVIT Day 1)
The Journey (GIVIT Day 3)
It's all about the Journey (Post GIVIT)
The Green Light
Green means GO!
Tipping Point
Ups and downs
Getting back up isn't the hardest part
Changes in latitude, changes in attitude
Cape Town... Day 1
Cape Town... Day 2
Friends... Cape Town Day 3
Cape Town... Day 4
The Rapper, The Soccer Player, and Me... Cape Town Day 5
Cape Town day 6&7
Not quite re-adjusted but getting there
We're responsible for what we create
Not making the cut...
Under Pressure
Douglas Knee Sr... My Grandfather
Today it rained...
I'm getting really good at barely gettin by
Seeing others where I began
I'm in a hurry to get things done
Ghost of Wes's Future... MIGS Post Mortem
Vicarious Visions
It's an odd feeling getting older
Canyon: People keep talking!!
Seeing the Finish Line
Depart not from the Path
Spring break!
So close to the end
A sense of Belonging, GDC Post Mortem
Light at the end of the Tunnel
Updating Art!
Remembering Africa
The Righteous
Demo Reel!
Website Update!
Last Class.... ever
The next Chapter
Next Steps...
Ready to move on...
A rough start...
Adjusting... Montreal Day 3
Welcome to Mistic!
In my Shoes...
Eleven days in...
Roads less traveled
On the inside looking out
I'm still Alive
Friendly Faces
Apartment Search Continues
Laser Quest
Two Worlds Colliding
100 blog posts!
Thanks to everyone who's been on the journey with me thus far and continue to be! If you'd like to check out some of these older posts they are best viewed at my original blog location wesknee.blogspot.com
To 100 more!