Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I'm still Alive

So it's been an interesting week and a half... At the beginning of last week I started to develop what I thought was a minor cold. The glands in my neck swelled up, but really the rest of me felt fine, no fever, no sore throat, no nothing... Needless to say I was a little concerned but there wasn't much to do so I tried to get more rest, have more vitamin C or whatever. Got through the week but by the end my neck was pretty swollen and it had begun to hurt a little to swollow. Managed to make it home on Friday though, and enjoyed an AWESOME weekend with the folks. Since I had only one symptom, I decided it was safe enough to go out and do stuff and so I managed to get out Kayaking for the first time this year on Saterday. Certainly made me miss a lot of things about back home, one of them being the kayak shop. So after a beutiful day, I discovered I had quite the sun burn... because you know me... I'm not one to put on sun tan lotion. Sunday was a nice day chilling at home, watching horrible class B sci-fi movies with Mom. Although for whatever reason the Sci-Fi channel changed their name to syfy since I've been away... which I find odd... Luckily though my neck was starting to get better before my drive back on Sunday.

Monday though my sun burn was in full swing, with the itchiest sun burn that I think I ever had. Concentration at work was SOOO hard... This took my mind off my throat for the time being. I had another itchy day yesterday, and a bit of a sleepless night because of it. Today though is the first time in a while that I feel moderately normal! Neck swelling is gone, I can actually touch my back again, and yea feeling pretty good! I was finding it pretty ironic for a while that if it wasn't one thing it was another... Now I'm pretty sure I have some intense peeling to look forward to... awesome =P

On a happier note, it sounds like I'll be in Burlington this weekend and I'm super excited!

That's all for now!

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