Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet up with a friend of mine, Heather and her boyfriend Nick. Two good friends of mine from Champlain, hell Heather and I even went to Africa together! She moved up to Montreal earlier this week, because she's going to be studying up here for the semester. I had been pretty excited that her and some other people from Burlington would be making their way up to Montreal. Although it really didn't hit me how awesome it is until last night. I had been a little jealous of Benoit, some of his friends had begun arriving from France to study and suddenly he had a small group of friends where I still had none. Being able to hang out with them last night was the start of what can only be a really great fall/winter.
I couldn't help but laugh and appreciate Heather's awe that she took in while we walked some of the city last night, I have been here for almost four months now and still this place remains big for me... I'm ok with this. Although I've become used to Montreal, I'd rather keep it with a sense of awe. While walking we bumped into Keith (another friend of mine from Champlain), and for me it was SO cool! To actually bump into someone I know in Montreal! Not to mention it had been so long since I had seen Keith, it was just very cool to have randomly bumped into him.
As I was saying good bye to Heather and Nick last night, it really occurred to him how strange it felt seeing them in this environment. Just so far removed from what we've been used to in Burlington, to Montreal where I've been living for some time now. Last night was definitely an indication that some things would be changing for me in Montreal, between moving and friends arriving... it's like a whole new chapter in my "Canadian Adventure." I'm hoping at some point to integrate some of my Burlington friends with Benoit's France friends, which could make a pretty interesting group I think :)
Anyways it's a very welcomed familiarity in a place that has been pretty foreign. Which leaves me to wonder who might be arriving the Spring semester, and if after wards I'll see more friends in Montreal who will be getting jobs too. I could easily see a small Champlain community growing up here, and just how wonderful that would be.
(ps if your wondering about the picture on the top... I just thought it was cool hehe)